Sunday, January 26, 2020

Gender Gap In Rates Of Offending

Gender Gap In Rates Of Offending To address this statement and draw a conclusion it is necessary to look at changes in society over time, as women have a different role now than they used to. Even though early criminology has often been gender blind, criminologist such as Lombroso and Pollak tried to make a connection with male crime to explain and answer the question why women do not commit as much crime ( Messerschmidt, 1993; Biel, 2008). It was not until feminist criminology came into force that it challenged the masculine nature of criminology, pointing to the repeated negligence and misrepresentation of women. As a result of such critique there was increasing attention to women and girls in criminological theory and research (Messerschmidt, 1993; Walklate, 2005). Additionally as the social role of women began to change, the view of their involvement in criminal behaviour began to change. As a consequence social, biological, economical and psychological explanations have been used to developed and explain why wo men commit crime and why they commit less crime than men. A reliable research finding (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008) is that women are seen to commit fewer and less serious offences than men, which became known as the gender gap in offending. Recently it has been reported the gap in violent offending has narrowed (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008; Rennison, 2009). What is unclear is whether the reported convergence is an accurate reflection of changes in violent offending or a manipulation of the data used: official records and self-report offending data. Determination of crime problems among women has been neglected within theoretical and empirical research compared with the crime problem among men. Womens crime, because of its size and character was not perceived as particularly dangerous. An important reason for this could be the fact that even in the earliest historical sources women often appeared as an object of the offence and not as it perpetrators (Messerschmidt, 1998). According to Kilday (2005) much of the history of women remained on the margin of criminological interests. Moreover Kilday (2005) argues that studies that examine women criminals tends to emphasize so called traditional acts of womens deviance such as prostitution, while perception of womens involvement in criminal activity has been dominated by their role as a victim rather than perpetrators of crime . What is more during 18th and 19th century Britain, criminality was highly gendered and focused on class. The vast majority of women who appeared before the court were from the poor and laboring classes, and most female criminals were considered far less threatening and problematic than men. As a consequence when women could not be criminalized in their own right it was thought that they must be influenced by men or by severe personal problems such as poverty (Kilday, 2005). One of the most commonly observed features of the criminological background is that a bulk of crime appears to be undertaken by men and boys (Messerschmidt, 1993). Fundamentally speaking major criminological theories are alarmingly and radically gender-blind. In other words when men and boys have been seen as the normal subjects in criminology the girls and women have attracted the attention of criminology only as a special category that allegedly explains the gender nature of crime (Messerschmitt, 1993) . Lombroso (1911) and Bagnor (1916) (cited in Messerschmitt, 1993; Szczepanik and Pospieszył, 2007) for example argue that women commit less crime due to their different biological make-up. They argue that such a woman is nothing but a man backward in the development. The main evidence for this is their lower weight, height, less body hair and fewer red blood cells. They have argued that the consequence of an organic inferiority is a natural inferiority. Lombroso (1920 cited in Klein,1996) specifies the born female offender as a woman, who is characterized by antagonism to motherhood, increased libido, tendency to immoral life , enjoys a good time, has a tendency to take part in male sport and wear more masculine clothes. They are more likely to be addicted to drugs and alcohol and display hostile behaviour. The most characteristic features of women criminals, they believed, were a bulky jaw, wild eyes, prominent cheeks, thin lips and a nap on the face (facial hair). Apart f rom these masculine traits female offenders also have characteristics typical for females such as cunning, cruelty, vanity and vindictiveness. What is more womens offences are thought to be influenced by male suggestion and that the female has no resistance to this. (Klein, 1996). Bjorqkvist (1994 cited in Howitt, 2009) claims that males and females do not differ in aggressiveness. They only differ in the way in which it is expressed. He further argues that women are physically seen as the weaker sex and are likely to learn different aggression strategies from those seen as the physically stronger sex being men. What is more, much of the feminist literature focuses on power relationships between the sexes. Because women have been restricted to domestic work and child-raising duties, their economic productivity was limited, which contributed to their dependent role. Consequently, because women are relegated to the household, they undergo less socialization experiences and that restricts their activities, whereas men maintain their power and dominance over economic resources and hold a position of power over women (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008). In addition, Messerschmitt (1986) suggests that through sex-role socialization, the family encourages its own members to adjust and conform to patriarchal ideologies. Furthermore private patriarchy accounts for the degree to which womens activities are restricted and the extent to which female work is unpaid within the family, when linking womens economic status and crime rates (Parker and Reckdenwald, 2008). One aspect of the gender gap in crime that has attracted significant attention within the research community as well as the media is the observation that the gender gap has narrowed somewhat over time ( Parker and Reckedenwald, 2008). Several explanations of this phenomenon have been offered, including legal, social and economical aspects. It was not until 1970 when argument about whether female offences were raising that it became a criminological issue. When Freda Adler (cited in Heidensohn and Gelstohorpe, 2007) argued that female crime rates had been rapidly rising between 1960s and 1970s, she claimed that not only crime rates had changed but patterns of womens offending had also changed to a more masculine style. Women it appeared, were becoming more aggressive and violent, due to the growth of the modern womens movement. Adler (cited in Heidensohn et al, 2007) put forward the theory that liberation in short was the cause of more crime. Granting equal rights to women had allowe d them to take action in many areas of social life by giving them the chance to take on new social roles, which were previously only available exclusively to men. The womens liberation movement brought not only economic independence but also the sense of psychological independence, with women gaining new aspirations and confidence in their own ability. These changes have created conditions conducive to the activation of women in the employment structure which has led to an increase in social status and more aggression in women. However Heidensohon et al. (2007) claims that the visible increase in female offending is that their conviction is mostly for most minor forms of offending which do not include weapons, and further argues that girls behaviour once seen and treated as a welfare issue, is now more criticized, criminalized and punished. It is difficult to determine precisely the extent of crime, due to the limitation arising from the analysis made based solely on official statistical sources made up of Police Recorded Data and British Crime Survey. Determination of the size of womens crime may pose a special kind of difficulty. Firstly, the lack of sufficient empirical data, secondly womens crime is seen to be guided by its own gender-specification. The so called dark figure of crime committed by women may be caused by the fact that the womens crime is usually crime carried out in private. Pollak (1950 cited in Messerschmidt, 1993; Klein, 1996) claim that womens and mens crime are likely to be equal, but because womens biology interacts with certain social conditions their criminality is largely masked . He argues that women can be addicted to crime that can be easily hidden such as shoplifting, thefts by prostitutes, abortion. Consequently the crimes women commit are more often unreported. What is more women are bi ologically more guileful than men and more able to conceal crime (Biel, 2008). Relatively speaking womens offending usually take place in private (e.g. home) while mens offending usually takes place in public (e.g. Theft). Pollak (1950 cited in Messerschmidt, 1993; Klein, 1996) believed that a root cause of low rate crime among women is chivalry in the criminal justice system. Relatively speaking women are treated more leniently than the men and Allans study (1987 cited in Heidensohon et al. 2007) suggests that violent women offenders received more sympathy for serious crimes than men. Also that single mothers and pregnant women were better treated then men. On the other hand Walker (2003 cited in Heidensohon et al. 2007) argues that the fact of pregnancy among female offenders does not affect the weight of the punishment and what is more, it is not seen as ethical or indeed successful. He claims many women achieved only temporary acquittal because of the fact of their pregnancy and were later punished. The structure of the crime committed by women is a reflection of their position, and the role of social and environmental influence. Heimer, (2000) claimed that the most widely endorsed hypothesis in favour of the narrowing of the gender gap is the economical marginalization hypothesis, which states that reduction in the gender gap in crime is an effect of financial instability of women. In other words the need to escape from poverty, economical dependency on man and economic hardship. Moreover expansion in the divorce rate and illegitimacy rates in recent years which have in turn led to more female-headed households where women have greater responsibility for their children resulted in a significant increase in economic pressure on women. Following this Zaplin, (1998) argues that an increase in female offending is a result of increased opportunity for female types of crime. The increase in the rate of female arrests for minor crimes (especially property crimes) reflects not only economic marginalization, but also an increase in opportunity for those crime categories. Relatively speaking females tend to commit crimes that involve little or no criminal skills, and now their range has expanded due to changes in merchandising and credit, which are easily accessible to women as the consumer and head of a family. As a consequence of this women have more opportunities to commit shoplifting, cheque fraud theft and welfare fraud. Another possible explanation according to Zaplin, (1998) is that rises in female arrest is a product of changes in public sentiment and enforcement policies that bring to attention the visibility, reporting and sanctioning of female offenders. Whereas Freda Adler (Heidensohon et al. 2007) argues that female crime rates has been rapidly rising between the 1960s and 1970s , the Home Office claimed that during this time the prison population of women was so low that they thought it may be possible to end womens imprisonment by the year 2000. However along with the new century , there was a very large growth of overall imprisonment rates for women. According to the Home Office study(Hunter, Hearnden and Gyateng, 2009) the following factors had an impact on the rise of the crime rate for women: a growth in the number of women coming before the courts, a rise in the proportion of women getting a custodial sentence and an increase in the length of prison sentences being imposed on women. As an example they state that in 1996-7, 95 per cent of the rise was in effect more women coming before the courts. What is more the Home Office argues that now courts tend to impose harsher sentences on women for less serious crimes. The growth of the crime rate among women may also be due to the impacts of new legislation, which has created new offences, hence it may indicate that the offending rate for women is growing. Another factor influencing the growth of the offending rate in women may be seen in social changes and social attitudes towards particular offences. Szczepaniak and Pospieszył (2008) argue that since the equal opportunity for men and women came into force, women started to be seen not only as a victims of domestic violence but also as perpetrators. What is more, men are now encouraged and willing to talk about and report to the police domestic violence against themselves. Zaplin, (1998) argues that the ability and willingness of women to commit crime is strongly pressured by social control, especially during their formative years. Females are more closely supervised and their misconduct discouraged by negative sanctions. Risk-taking behavior that is rewarded among boys is censured among girls. Careful observation of girls companions reduces the danger for influence by delinquent peers. Even as adults, women find their freedom to explore worldly temptation constricted by social control. Also females are far more likely than males to be motivated by relationship disturbances to commit an offence and they need a higher level of provocation before turning to crime. A sense of danger and threat to significant relationships play a greater role in female offending. If their close relationship with those who commit crime is threatened, they may be unwilling to compromise these relationship by abstaining from crime and therefore take part in criminal activitie s Zaplin,(1998). Despite the fact that the gender gap of offending is narrowing and women commit much more crime than they used to, women are far less likely to be involved in serious crimes, regardless of data sources and level of involvement ( Maguire et al 2007). According to the findings of the Ministry of Justice (2009:15) females aged between 10 and 25 were less likely than males to say they had committed a serious offence (eight per cent compared with twelve per cent). They were also less likely to be classed as frequent offenders (three per cent compared with eight per cent) and less likely to be categorized as serious and frequent offenders (five per cent compared with three per cent). Further findings show that males were more than twice as likely as females to have carried a knife (five per cent compared to two per cent); more males (15 per cent) than females (10 per cent) said they had committed a violent offence (defined as robbery and assault); males were more likely than females to hav e handled stolen goods (22 per cent compared to 16 per cent); and over a quarter of males (26 per cent) had committed at least one of four types of anti-social behaviour, a higher proportion than females (18 per cent). The girls and women who make up the greatest part of the criminal justice workload commit ordinary crimes mostly minor crimes such as theft and fraud, low level drug dealing, prostitution and simple assault against their children or partners. Additionally much of the time, a large majority of these women are associated with men who are without good prospects, are not ambitious and who often themselves are involved in some kind of criminal acts . Consequently these men along with the children are the main focus of these womans lives. The world of these men tends to be an extreme patriarchal one in which women are demoted to subordinate roles, exploited and treated with indifference by their male partners causing the women to lead lives that are often miserable and difficult. Routinely, it is they who are left to cope with the consequence of these mens unsuccessful escapades and the incarceration this can bring Szczepaniak and Pospieszy (2008). Lastly we should note that most of the criminological theories were developed by men specifically to explain male involvement in criminal behaviors. As a consequence it raises the question of whether such theories are useful in explaining female crime or whether female crime can be only explained by so called gendered-specific theories. Therefore some criminologist believe that the traditional theories developed to explain male crime are not well-suited to explain female crime. Zaplin (1998) argues that their andocentric origin, traditional, structural and social process theories are more or less gender neutral. As a consequence these theories may be useful in understanding overall male offending as well as overall female offending. What is more they can be also helpful in explaining why females commit less crime than men. Also he argues that many of the delicate and deep differences between male and female crime patterns may be better explained by gendered approaches. In conclusion it is difficult to find a clear answer to female offending and to the rise of the crime rate among them. Despite many studies and research papers founded on this topic there is still no consensus among professionals. We cannot hide the fact that female criminality is a social phenomenon that has many differences compared with the crime of men. The structure of the crimes committed by women is a reflection of their position, their role in society and environmental influences. Usually women commit crimes which are associated with low risk detection or lower sentences. They do not plan the commission of the crime as male criminals do, rather they use opportunistic situations. Many women scientists involved in the studying of crime and the demoralization among women, explain it as the process of emancipation. Along with gender equality, women began to take action until which recently was reserved only for men. There are also those who blame the new fashion for being strong as a reason for female involvement in crime .As the weaker sex becomes old-fashioned, the so called miming of male behaviour by women allow them to occupy leadership positions in the group.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Isaac’s Storm Character Analysis Essay

After reading about Isaac Cline and the examples that demonstrate his character and distinct personality, I’ve realized that he is a very strong, independent, and knowledgeable man who sometimes appeared to be arrogant and narrow-minded. Isaac Cline was very intelligent and adventurous at a young age with a raving passion to reach his dreams of performing something that would â€Å"give results beneficial to mankind.† Sometimes though, his confidence got a little out of control and made him appear a bit cocky about himself and the intelligence about the weather and the world around him that he supplied. By the time Cline had reached his early twenties, Cline’s eyes had seen many horrific events that scarred his memory forever. Despite his hardships, I believe Cline is a very talented man in a numerous ways and uses his talents in a very resourceful and rewarding way. I also believe that Cline has many sides to him that others, and himself, are not aware even exist. When trying prove himself, he reveals his strong, determined side. When singing to his wife, he reveals his romantic side. When training new recruits to perform cavalry assaults, he reveals a dedicated and serious side. Isaac hides a strong, hard backbone behind a welcoming smile and sweet eyes. In all, I believe that Isaac carries many different sides of his character with him and enjoys displaying his intelligent and determined side most of the time in order to prove to others and himself that he is very talented. He is a very strong, respectful, intelligent, opinionated, and absolutely talented man who sets his goals and chases after them wholeheartedly.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Verification of Heat Treatments Effect on the Microstructure of Aluminum Alloy (Al-Zn)

VERIFICATION OF HEAT TREATMENTS EFFECT ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF ALUMINUM ALLOY (Al-Zn) *1 I. A. LATEEF, and 2 M. O. DUROWOJU 1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osun State College of Technology, P. M. B. 1011, Esa – Oke, Nigeria. [email  protected] com 2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo,State, Nigeria *(Address of correspondence) ABSTRACT: This study focused on the effect of heat treatment on the microstructure of Aluminum – Zinc Alloy. The composition of the Aluminum alloy used is eighty percent (80%) of Aluminum and twenty percent (20%) of Zinc. The method of casting employed is Sand casting, while annealing and quenching were heat treatment processes it’s subjected to. The microstructure is taken. It is concluded that heat treatment have effect on the microstructure of Aluminum – Zinc alloy and responded well to Oil quench. [Keywords: Aluminum-Zinc Alloy, Heat treatment, Microstructure, Tensile test, Hardness test, Annealing and Water quenching. INTRODUCTION The extensive application of metals in the field of Engineering has necessitated the need for metal heat treatments in order to meet the taste of firm, industries and individual as a result of their wide engineering application. One of the major engineering fields where the application of various metals was used is Automobile engineering. In order to reduce motor vehicle weight, many automotive components have been redesigned to take advantage o f material such as lightweight and polymers. To this end aluminum casting alloys are being widely used for many automotive components (CAD, 2006), the alloys have good casting characteristics, reasonable mechanical properties, and are heat treatable (Melo, Rizzo and Santos, 2005). Material science and engineering today has developed to a stage where correlations between microstructure, properties and application can be established for many commonly used alloys. The structure of a material is related to its composition, properties, processing history and performance (Argo and Gruziesk,(1988) and Rooy,(1993)). And therefore, studying the microstructure of aluminum alloys provides information linking its composition and processing to its properties and performance interpretation of microstructure requires the understanding of the process by which various structures are formed. There are many processes by which aluminum alloys can be formed. The major process that is common and the focus of this study is the Sand casting process (Albert, (1957)). One of the common defects in aluminum castings is porosity (Monroe, (2005) and Tyler, 1981)). It is a clear fact that the quantity and the appearance of the porosity are very crucial to the mechanical properties of the aluminum alloy casting, most especially the fatigue properties because the pore in micro scale are primary source of initial cracks for the final failure of the aluminum parts. Due to this the aluminum alloys structure need to be improved by metal treatment to have the required properties. Olanrewaju (2000), stated that metal treatments are classified into two groups namely-: Heat treatment and surface treatment. Surface treatment as corrosion resistance operations includes phosphating chroming nickeling, anodization and so on, While heat treatment as structural adjuster includes hardening, tempering toughening and so on (Ojediran and Alamu, (2004) and Vincet,(1968)). In this study, the effects of such heat treatment are determined to know the extent of their impact on the aluminum – Zinc alloys (Al- Zn). MATERIAL AND EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES Materials used The targeted materials composition, uses and forms are as follows: TABLE 1 THE COMPOSITION, USES AND FORMS OF ALUMINUM ALLOYS |Composition | Uses | Forms | |Al – Zn 20% |Armored vehicle, Military | Rod (10mm x 150 mm) | | bridge, Motorcycle and | | | |Bicycle frames, | | | |Air frames etc | | Equipments used The following equipments were used for the study: Pit furnace, Sand mould, Electrical furnace, and Crucible Pots at FIIRO, Nigeria. And Mosanto Tensometer, Wild metallurgical Microscope, Polishing Machine,and Manual Grinding Machine at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Others are-Digital Cameral, Patterns, Grit papers, Emery Cloth/Paper, Silicon carbide solution of different grade and NaOH Solution Methods Casting Process A Crucible pots is used, 1 kg of commercial purity Aluminum (99. 7 % pure by weight) and 250g of Zinc is used. The alloying element Zn is put first in the Pot because of its high melting point (1108oc) which is higher than that of the base metal aluminium (660oc). So, the Zinc (Zn) in the pot is lowered first into the furnace while the aluminium is added after Zn has commenced melting. The mass of each of the alloying elements used for each sample can be obtained as follows: Total mass of mixture for the samples= frames Mass of Al + Mass of alloying element = 1kg + 0. 250kg = 1. 250kg Percentage of Aluminum (Al) in the mixture = mass of Al/Total mass x 100 =1/1. 250 x 100 = 80% Percentage of alloying element (Zn) = Mass of alloying element/Total mass x 100 =0. 25 / 1. 50 x 100 = 20% The dimension of one sample is as following: Height of the sample =150mm (15cm) Diameter of the sample = 12 mm (1. 2 cm) Radius of the sample =60mm (0. 6cm) Shape of the sample= Cylindrical Volume of the sample (V) =? r2h = 3. 142 x (0. 6) 2 x 13 = 16. 96 cm3 Density of Aluminum = 2. 69g/cm2 (Olagoke, 1999). Mass of sample used = ? x V = 2. 69 x 16. 96 = 45. 64 g Therefore, 80 % of Aluminum = 36. 51 g for each sample Also, 20% of Alloying element (Zn)= 9. 13 g For each sample (rod form) 36. 51 g Al + 9. 13 g of alloying element (Zn) were used. The samples for heat treatment are: Sample 1 =as received from Casting process. Sample 2 = for quenching in Water. Sample 3 = for Oil quench Sample 4 = for annealing (Furnace cool). The method adopted in casting the samples is sand molding (Sand casting). The casting process is performed at FIIRO Nigeria Limited, Lagos. The pattern is made from wood with the following dimensions Height – 15 cm Diameter – 1. 2 cm The sand used is the traditional-green sand’ which is a mixture of sand grains and clay particles, clean sand with oil and binders). The mould used is a conventional vertical sand mould. The drag is placed upside down on a firm flat surface and the pattern is placed face down and pattern is placed face down and then, dusted with a parting powder. Handfuls of sifted sand are then thrown at the pattern, covering every detail (Sand slinging). The sand is rammed. The drag is turned upside down with a swift movement. The cope is fitted onto the drag. The cope is rammed with sand and strictly making the top smooth and firm. And the cope is removed. The crucible is held about half way down with tongs and withdrawal from he furnace. Dross is raked away from pouring lip with heated skimmer and the metal poured in one continuous stream until it appears at the head of the riser. When the casting has solidified and cooled, the sand is knocked out and the casting fettled. Heat treatments process Heat treatment is also carried out at FIIRO Nigeria limited, Lagos. The types of heat treatment carried out are: Annealing and Quenching. Three each of Al-Zn casting samples were put in the electrical furnace (up to 3300oc). The soaking time for the sample in the furnace is one hour, after which two of the Al-Zn casting samples is removed and quench in both water and oil while the last one of Al-Zn is allowed to cool in the furnace atmosphere (annealing). Microstructure Analysis Process. The microstructure was done at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State. The samples were machined and grounded to gauge 240, 320, 400, 600 each using Grinding Machine and Grit paper. Each sample is initially polished, using Polishing machine, emery cloth and Silicon Carbide. The final polishing is done with the aid of Polishing machine, Emery cloth and Silicon carbide of different grades while etching took effect using 5% NaOH Solution. Each sample is examined using the Optical Microscope to check that etch reveal clearly the Microstructure of the sample. The photograph of the resulting microstructure of the aluminum-Zinc (Al- Zn) alloy samples were taken using Optical microscope with x100 magnification and Digital Cameral. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Discussion on the Microstructure Results of Al- Zn Alloys. The figure 2 below shows the microstructure of Al-Zn alloy, As received sample i. without heat treatment. It can be observed that the grains were not homogeneous and pores are numerous towards the peripheral zone Figure 2 Microstructure of As Received; Al – Zn alloy Sample 1. The figure 3 below shows the microstructure of Al –Zn alloy, Oil quenched sample. It can be observed that the grains are more homogeneous and well distributed towards the core. The pores are not numerous compare to Al- Cu alloy, As received sample. Figure 3 Microstructure of Oil Quench; Al – Zn Alloy Sample 3.. Figure 4 below shows the microstructure of Al- Cu alloy, Furnace cooled sample. It can be observed that the grains were deformed at peripheral more than at the core of the structure and there are more pores than that of As received sample and Oil quenched sample. this indicates that there is no significant improvement in the microstructure arrangement of grains when Al-Cu alloy is oil quenched Figure 4 Microstructure of Furnace Cooled; Al – Zn Alloy Sample 4. Figure 5 below shows the microstructure of Al- Zn alloy, Water quenched sample. It can be observed that the grains were deformed throughout the structure and there are more pores than that of As received sample and Oil quenched sample. This indicates that there is no significant improvement in the microstructure arrangement of grains when Al-Zn alloy is Water quenched. Figure 5 Microstructure of Water Quench; Al – Zn Alloy Sample 2. . CONCLUSION From the result of the experiments, it can be deduced that: (i) The arrangement of the microstructure grains and pores are more even with the Oil quench method than any other heat treatment methods in Al – Zn alloy. (ii) There is relationship between the heat treatments method (Oil quench) and microstructure of Al- Zn alloy. iii) Oil quench Aluminium Zinc alloy (Al – Zn ) is more appropriate for the production of Armored vehicle, Military bridge, Motorcycle frames and Bicycle frames and Air frames ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The workers of FIIRO Nigeria limited,Lagos and Mr Alo of Metallurgy and Material Department, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile- Ife, Osun State, Nigeria are acknowledge for providing the facilities for this research work. REFERENCES Ojediran, J. O . and Alamu, O. J. (2005) Fundamental concepts in Materials Science and Engineering; Kunle (Nig) Printers; Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria. Vol. 1, 1st ed, pp. 46. Vincet, A. (1968) Workshop Theory for G. C. E. Metalwork and Engineering; Macmillan, 2ed, pp. 11- 14. Olagoke, S. A. (1999) Properties of Materials; Rosad and Company, Ibadan, 1st ed, pp. 210 – 211. Tyler, H. A. (1981) Science and Materials (Level iii); Van Nostrand Reinhold Limited, Australia,1st ed, pp. 170 Copper Development Association (CAD 2006) Standards and Properties – Microstructure of copper alloys Albert P. G. (1957) The fundamentals of Iron and Steel castings; The international Nickel Company, Inc. U. S. A. , pp. 11 Melo, M. L. N. , Rizzo, E. M. S. and Santos, R. G. 2005) Numeral Simulation Application in Microporosity Prevision in Aluminum alloy castings; Revisa Brasileira Applicacoes de Vacuo, vol. 24, pp. 36-40. Monroe, R. (2005) Porosity in casting; Schaumburg, USA, Siver Anniversary Paper, Division 4,American Foundry Society. pp. 1 – 28. ASM Metals Handbook,(1988); 9ed, Vol. 15, Casting, ASM Rooy, E. E. (1993) Hydrogen: Th e one- third Solution AFS Transactions, Vol. 101, and PP. 961 – 964. 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Thursday, January 2, 2020

The War of 1812 between American and Britain - 1712 Words

Twenty-nine years after the signing of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, which ended the Revolutionary War between America and Britain, was the year that marked the beginning of a new conflict that would last America the next three years, the War of 1812. On June 16th of that year, President James Madison declared the start of a war that would greatly impact the future of our country. Britain, still one of the worlds greatest superpowers, was currently warring with France at the time of the declaration, however, Britains reputation as a formidable opponent stood strong. The War of 1812 held a great significance in the history of America: Reasonable purposes for conflict, major conflict with Native Americans, great controversy among its supporters and opposers, numerous honorable battles, the inclusion of African Americans in the war, a memorable conclusion, and notable results. Leading up to the war, the Americans had a multitude of reasons for anger towards the British. The wrong done by England that outraged many U.S. citizens was the Britishs capturing of Americas trading vessels and impressing of American sailors. During Englands war against Napoleon, Frances current dictator, the English army began to grow smaller in numbers, causing the need for more men, which they supplemented by taking Americas seamen. Because Britain and France were also at war at the time, neither country wanted trade to exist between America and the enemy, leading to even more capturedShow MoreRelatedCauses and Effects of the War of 18121527 Words   |  7 PagesCauses and Effects of The War of 1812 The nineteenth century brought major change to The United States turning it from a developing country into a world power. The addition of Alaska, Oregon, Texas, and Florida, the Mexican Cession and The Louisiana Purchase made The United States a world power. The War of 1812 catalyzed this great expansion. There were four main concerns that led to The War of 1812. 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When the war began, it was being fought by the Americans to address their grievances toward the British, though toward the end, the issues eventually were unjustified and reasons manipulated. There is no single cause for the War of 1812 but instead, several related causes, such the influence of the War Hawks, the impressments as well as the EmbargoRead MoreAmerica s Most Obscure Conflict868 Words   |  4 PagesJune 1, 1812, the United States’ fourth President James Madison signed a declaration of war against Britain approved by Congress. This is obscurely known as the War of 1812 which was also the first war of the 19th century and lasted from 1812 to the spring of 1815. The War of 1812 is also known as the Second War for American Independence with an inconclusive outcome that ended the conflict with the Treaty of Ghent. The War of 1812 created a stron g sense of nationalistic pride among Americans whichRead MoreA Short Note On The War Of 18121368 Words   |  6 Pages2016 War of 1812 The War of 1812 was a battle fought between the United States and Great Britain, along with help from Canada and the Native Americans, from June 18, 1812 to February 18, 1815. The United States declared war against Great Britain due to multiple disputes that included trade restrictions against the United States, the capture of American sailors and the support of Native American tribes fighting against American settlers. These issues led to the War of 1812 which Americans ultimatelyRead MoreThe Clash Of The Titans1602 Words   |  7 PagesTITANS The War of 1812 The War of 1812 began as a result of a long fought war between Great Britain and French forces led by Napoleon Bonaparte, that eventually infringed upon many of America s rights. France and Great Britain had been fighting since 1793. Napoleon was a very powerful and determined emperor who conquered much of Europe during the 19th century. The Royal Navy was very skilled at naval combat and France had a strong and capable leader that was very skilled in war tactics. TheRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The British War Essay1650 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States of America forces and the British Empire. Because the British feared that trade with the United States was harmful for the battle with France, they ended up restricting trade between them. Additionally, the British forces feared that the United States’ forces wanted to set up an Indian State in the West in order to maintain a strong influence in the region. This explains why more than 10,000 Native American engaged in fighting on theRead MoreWar of 1812 Causes969 Words   |  4 PagesEver since the American Revolution, there was a bitter friction between the United States and Great Britain. This detestation of each other was finally acted out when President Madison declared war on Great Britain on June 14, 1812, thus beginning the War of 1812. The Unites States was tired of getting harassed on the seas, had a strong will to expand, and felt too much pride to let Great Britain get away with everything they had done. Three causes of the War of 1812 were maritime problems, ManifestRead MoreThe War of 1812: A Report702 Words   |  3 PagesThe War of 1812 The War of 1812 was a conflict between the United States, who had only achieved independence from their British oppressors less than 40 years before, and the British Empire, including Canada. The conflict between the United States and the British Empire lasted approximately two years and eight months. There are many factors that led to the United States declaring war on the British Empire including trade restrictions that were put in place because of the conflict between the BritishRead MoreThe War of 18121132 Words   |  4 PagesWar of 1812 The War of 1812 was started by America due to British encroachment on three fronts, trade restrictions imposed by the British, the increasing alliances of the British with Indian tribes blocking American expansion West, and due to British interference with merchant class ships in the Atlantic. The war was fought in the Great Lakes region between America and Canada, near New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Atlantic trade routes, and around Washington DC. The British had always